Page 6 - GC-July-August-24
P. 6

6 • The German Citizen • July - August 2024
     Handy Guide to Hamburg History

                                                                                                                                Photo by German Wikipedian IqRS
       by Martin Ederer
              amburg ranks as Ger‐  the Copernican revision of things)  Christianization when it                               the 20 th  century, the Hamburg-
              many’s  second-largest  referred to the region as Treva, but  dispatched  St. Ansgar                             America Line – which had become
       Hcity after Berlin. It is lo‐  this was obviously a zone where the  (also important in Chris‐                           the biggest shipping firm in the
     cated well to the north and is near  Romans were little more than occa‐  tianizing the Danes) to the                      world – called Hamburg its home
     the south end of Jutland and the re‐  sional visitors.       region in 834.  As was                                       port. After World War I, Hamburg
     gions of Schleswig and Holstein,  By the 400s the region had been  typical of the Early Mid‐                              could claim to be the first place in
     which both spent portions of their  settled by northern Saxon tribes,  dle Ages,  Christianity                            Germany to hold fully democratic
     histories as part of Denmark. Ham‐  who eventually claimed it as their  brought with it the trap‐                         elections under the new Weimar
     burg is the largest German city situ‐  territory.  By 800, Carolingian  pings of civilization: not                        constitution.  During the Weimar
     ated on the storied Elbe River, not  rulers of Central Europe (some ac‐  only the Judaeo-Christian                        years,  Hamburg    consistently
     far from where it empties into the  counts credit Charlemagne himself)  heritage, but also Graeco-                        recorded the highest polling num‐
     North Sea, which has helped to  played a significant role in estab‐  Roman cultural traditions,Hamburg in 1150.           bers for the Social Democrats.
     place Hamburg astride a compli‐  lishing a fortification on higher  and literacy, art, monaster‐  the growth in power of territorial  Hamburg maintained its status
     cated watery world that predestined  ground in 810 that came to be  ies, schools and libraries. Ansgar  princes could stem Hamburg’s  as its own city-state under Nazism,
     it to be a major port city.   known as Hammaburg, whose name  built Hammaburg’s first church  growth for long.            but not its autonomy. Hamburg did
       There are disputed stories about  (Saxon Ham = bog or bay) indi‐  dedicated to Mary on the site of  In 1529, only eight years after  gain territory as the areas around the
     Roman explorations where Ham‐  cated its role in keeping an eye on  what now is Hamburg’s St. Petri-  the Diet of Worms, Hamburg’s lead‐  city were incorporated into the city
     burg is now located.  Claudius  the marshy lands that surrounded it.  kirche.  In 845 the Vikings de‐  ership embraced the Protestant Ref‐  under a metropolitan form of gov‐
     Ptolemy of Alexandria (who gave  The   Carolingians  laid  the  stroyed Hamburg. Ansgar fled to  ormation.  During the Counter-  ernment that remains to this day.
     us the geocentric solar system until  groundwork  for  Hammaburg’s  Bremen, where he became its sec‐  Reformation, a good number of  During World War II, Hamburg
                                                                  ond bishop. As plans multiplied to  Portuguese,  Spaniards  and  suffered one of the most devastating
                                                                  evangelize Scandinavia, Bremen  Sephardic Jews made their homes  bombing raids of the war, which re‐
                                                                  and Cologne became the foci of ec‐  in Hamburg. Unlike most German  sulted in intense firestorms. Once
                                                                  clesiastical power.  Hammaburg  cities, Hamburg was spared the de‐  again fire was a big part of Ham‐
                                                                  languished until it regained papal  struction and degradation of the  burg’s story. Only 20% of the hous‐
                                                                  favor – for a while – over the bish‐  Thirty Years’ War. In fact, Ham‐  ing stock survived intact. Casualty
                                                                  opric of Cologne. Hammaburg re‐  burg did quite nicely during the  figures were recorded as 125,000
                                                                  built in earnest. Then the Slavic  conflict as trader and supplier, espe‐  wounded and some 40-50,000 dead.
                                                                  Obodrites flattened the city in 915.  cially for Dutch and Scandinavian  As the Allies defeated Germany,
                                                                     Hammaburg underwent compli‐  combatants. By this time, territorial  Hamburg found itself in the British
                                                                  cated ups and downs through the  princes  asserting  their  power  occupation zone.  To add to the
                                                                  Middle Ages, but a few dynamics  spelled the end of Hansa autonomy  overall human misery of the Nazi
                                                                  remained constant. The first was  and prosperity. During the French  years, a major concentration camp
                                                                  regular gains and losses of ecclesi‐  Revolution period, Hamburg began  (Neuengamme) was not far from
                                                                  astical favor that had serious eco‐  to rationalize its administrative  the city, and the port hosted a num‐
                                                                  nomic and political consequences.  structures. Still, Napoleon insisted  ber of refugee and prison ships. The
                                                                     The second was regular attacks.  on briefly annexing the city to his  Port of Hamburg had also served as
                                                                  Besides the Vikings in 845 and the  French Empire after he ended the  a major point of deportation for un‐
                                                                  Obodrites in 915, there were   Holy Roman Empire. In 1815 the  desirables.
                                                                  Wendisch and Danish attacks in the  Congress of Vienna restored Ham‐  After the war, Hamburg faced
                                                                  later 900s. Slavic attacks followed,  burg’s independent status within the  the daunting tasks of not only re‐
                                                                  most notably. In 1030, Mieszko II  German Confederation.     building, but also struggling with an
                                                                  of Poland attacked Hammaburg. In  In the 19 th  century, Hamburg  economy hobbled by the division of
                                                                  1066 and 1072 the Obodrites at‐  suffered two notable crises. An‐  Germany into two states. A cata‐
                                                                  tacked. Then Valdemar II of Den‐  other fire (lasting 4 days) destroyed  strophic flood took 20% of the city
                                                                  mark raided Hammaburg twice, in  the city in 1842. In 1892, a poorly  and 300 lives in 1962.
                                                                  1201 and 1214. A major fire in  managed cholera epidemic claimed  Felix Mendelssohn and Jo‐
                                                                  1284 also destroyed the city.  the lives of many citizens. Much of  hannes Brahms were born in Ham‐
                                                                     The   third  dynamic  was   the rest of Hamburg’s history was  burg, as was Johann Elert Bode,
                                                                  Hammaburg’s growing importance  also the history of the German unifi‐  who named the planet Uranus.
                                                                  as a trading city that ultimately  cation process in the 19 century –  Chancellors Helmut Schmidt and
                                                                  overshadowed the rest of its trou‐  but Hamburg always maintained its  Angela Merkel were born in Ham‐
                                                                  bles. Dynasties that loomed large in  status as its own state and with its  burg, as was the current chancellor,
                                                                  Hammaburg’s early history – be‐  own administrative autonomy. By  Olaf Scholz.
                                                                  sides the Carolingians and Sax‐
                                                                  ons—were   the   Billung  and
                                                                  Schauenburg dynasties. Most of all,
                                                                  the Hohenstaufen Frederick Bar‐
                                                                  barossa put Hammaburg on the map
                                                                  when he granted it status in 1189 as
                                                                  a free imperial city with port and
                                                                  market privileges – in part as thanks
                                                                  for Hammaburg’s support of his
                                                                  Third Crusade. By this time, Holy
                                                                  Roman Emperors found the estab‐
                                                                  lishment of free imperial cities that
                                                                  answered directly to them was a
                                                                  convenient way to sidestep de‐
                                                                  mands of the local nobility. Be‐
                                                                  cause it also worked well for such
                                                                  cities, they were more than happy to
                                                                  accept the designation as a snub to
                                                                  onerous  restrictions  typically
                                                                  present under the local rulers.
                                                                     In the 1200s, Hamburg formally
                                                                  became a member of the Hansa
                                                                  trading coalition in the north. To‐
                                                                  gether with its partner states, Ham‐
                                                                  burg played a major role ending
                                                                  North Sea piracy. Prosperity fol‐
                                                                  lowed; Hamburg gained more self-
                                                                  governance after its city council
                                                                  was recognized as the binding leg‐
                                                                  islative body in the free city. At this
                                                                  point, neither the Black Death nor
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