Page 5 - GC-Nov-Dec-2024
P. 5
The German Citizen • November - December 2024 • 5
occupied by locals. It Each stop had something very there to give us an appreciation for cross for the four-star General
was fun hearing Ger- special to see or do. Some of the the Roman architecture and their George S. Patton Jr. (1885-1945)
man spoken, and even highlights that will remain in our ingenuity. After we strolled these commander of the third army in
some Pfälzisch dialect. fond memories are: Seeing the old cobblestoned streets, we felt an Europe. It was his wish to be buried
From the extensive Large impressive 1,000-year-old accomplishment that Julius Caesar with his men at this American Bat-
wine menu (Weinkarte) Reichsburg Schloss on the moun- may have felt when he penned in tle Monuments commission ceme-
of local wines, we or- tain top overlooking the town of Latin, “veni, vidi, vici” (I came, I tery. Seeing this dramatic cemetery
dered several to try be- Cochem. There we took a short saw, I conquered). However, reminds us of the ultimate sacri-
fore ordering our fa- stroll on the cobblestone pedestrian maybe conquered for us is an exag- fices of so many heroes for the free-
vorites to have with our streets in the town looking at the geration because there was so doms that we and the Europeans
meal. The food menu shops and then sat and rested at an much more to see, but our time was have been given.
(Speisekarte) had many outside table along the river to sa- limited, and our feet were getting At this point in the cruise, it was
choices with traditional vor a local beer, just watching peo- tired from walking. only about half over, and there was
home-cooked German ple and ships going by on the Perhaps the most emotional ex- so much more to see and experi-
foods, and local special- Moselle. Besides cruise ships, it is perience of the trip for us was when ence. We were also very fortunate
ties. As you can see in also a working river for commerce, we bused to Luxembourg and that the weather for the entire trip
the photo, Louise chose as is the Rhine River. toured the “Luxembourg American was beautiful; sunny and in the
Kräuterschnitzel (vom On our next stop was Ger- Cemetery and Memorial” site. mid-70s.
Schwein) paniet, mit many’s oldest city, Trier. There we There we saw a reminder of the Continued next issue.
Kartoffel/Gurkensalat went on a guided walking tour of vastness of the
(Herb schnitzel (pork) the historic old city and saw the fa- American WWII
breaded, and potato/cu- mous Porta Nigra which was one of military deaths,
cumber salad) where the original city huge multi storied with over 5,000
the schnitzel came out entry gate structures built by the white marble
golden brown deliciously hot and Romans in the 2nd century AD. It crosses spaced in
cruise dock. We booked a river
view room with the optional buffet the salad perfectly prepared and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. perfect row after
style breakfast which included ev- cool. I chose a more adventurous We walked through the arched en- row in an expan-
erything and anything one could meal of a thick slice of warm tries of the Porta into the city cen- sive, well-main-
want for a delicious breakfast. This Pfälzer Saumagen mit Sauerkraut ter, which was busy with tourists. tained grassy field.
was convenient and is quite typical und Bratkartoffeln (Palatinate From there, we walked and visited In front of this
for Europe and especially sausage specialty with sauerkraut the Roman public baths, which mass of crosses
Germany. and fried potatoes). The Saumagen were in ruins, but enough was still was a single white
For our first dinner in Germany, was a big fat sausage of a stuffed
we made a reservation at a local pig stomach with meats, potatoes,
restaurant in walking distance from and vegetables, like a Scottish Hag-
our hotel. It was the historic Wein- gis except with more ingredients,
stube Hattum at Grebenstrasse 3, presented on a bed of deliciously
which is on a cobblestoned pedes- flavorful tender sauerkraut, and a
trian street directly behind the fa- side of golden fried potatoes. Al-
mous St Martin RC Cathedral of though we had amazing meals on
Mainz. It was a very quaint, small the ship, this meal with superb
wine tavern/restaurant with only wines rated on the top for us in
eight tables inside and about three German food authenticity, taste,
smaller ones outside. By the time presentation, friendly service and
we started to eat, every table was especially Gemütlichkeit Weinstube