Page 5 - GC-July-August-24
P. 5

The German Citizen • July - August 2024 • 5
     German Leckerbissen – Part 16
       By Daniel Schwarz                                          heritage with Alexandre Gustave
           ne of the closest words to                             Bönickhausen (1832 - 1923), the fa‐
           tidbit in German is Lecker‐                            ther of the famous French civil en‐
     Obissen. Literally Leckerbis‐                                gineer Gustave Eiffel. Can the same
     sen means tasty morsels or bits. The                         be said for the Statue of Liberty
     following may include some tidbits                           standing in the New York City har‐
     of German culture, foods/drinks,                             bor? Yes. Before Gustave was born,
     traditions, history, language, and                           Gustave’s parents emigrated to
     current events.                                              France from the Eifel Mountain re‐
       � Wackeldackels – There was a                              gion what is now western Germany.
     1970s craze in Germany to put                                Once in France, they changed their
     Dachshund bobblehead dogs on                                 last name to Eiffel to sound more
     their car’s dashboard called Wackel‐                         French. Gustave was born in Dijon,
     dackels. Wackel means shaking, and                           France, as Alexandre Gustave dit
     Dackels is a term of endearment for  For more information and services  Eiffel, and was called Gustave
     the popular “sausage dog” the  available from the Honorary Consul  Eiffel. Gustave is best known for
     Dachshund. Photo shows Wackel‐  of the Federal Republic of Germany  having designed the Eiffel Tower in
     dackel Bobblehead available from  of  Buffalo,  you  may  contact  Paris, France. Also, he assisted                   Matthew Collard by phone at (716)  French sculptor Frederic Auguste
       This breed of dog was originally  566-9140 ext.107 or by email at  Bartholdi (sounds Italian to me)
     bred in Germany during the 17th        with the monumentally large Statue
     century as a specialized dog for  � German Primary School    of Liberty by designing the elabo‐
     hunting badgers, and other animals.  System – In September after a child  rate metal interior framework for it.
     With its short stubby legs, strong  has turned 6 years old, compulsory  When you see images of The Statue
     paws, long sausage shaped body,  public  education  attendance  of Liberty and watch the Summer
     pointed snout, and sharp teeth this  (Schulpflicht) begins in Germany.  Olympics on TV this year and see
     dog must have been designed by a  Home Schooling in Germany is not  the Eiffel Tower, you can now think
     committee. Okay, sorry for that  permitted.  Elementary  school  that there is some Germanic her‐
     comment, especially to the Buffalo  grades 1-4 is common throughout  itage connection to these famous
     Dachshund Club, which according  Germany and called Grundschule.  landmarks.
     to their website has over a thousand  Then the students, along with their
     members. Amazing! Dachshunds in  parents and teachers, decide which
     Buffalo snow! Really?         of three main types of secondary
       To further rile up the Dachshund  schools, and two subtypes will offer
     lovers, the German Ministry of  the best fit for their child’s interests,
     Food and Agriculture published in  abilities, and goals for future suc‐
     February a draft bill that could pos‐  cess and vocation. The two sub
     sibly end the breeding of certain  types of schools are offered only in
     dogs including the Dachshund.  some states because they are a mix
     They consider this necessary to pre‐  of school types. FYI, there are 16
     vent “torture breeding” since the  states in Germany. Yes, this can be
     body shape can cause skeletal sys‐  complicated and stressful for the
     tem anomalies, and “cause the ani‐  parents to decide. The choice of
     mal anguish or distress”.     schooling will either put the student
       This breed is and has been so  on a path leading to university study
     popular that in Germany they even  or vocational study.
     have a dedicated museum to this  � Mariä Himmelfart – August
     special breed, the Dachshund Mu‐  15 is observed as Assumption Day
     seum in Regensburg, Bavaria. For  of Mary in Catholic regions of Ger‐
     more info on this museum, see Info‐  many, Austria, and around the             world. The Catholic Church teaches
       � Kurzmeldung – (Newsflash) –  this doctrine known as The As‐
     The Consul General David Gill of  sumption, as Pope Pius XII for‐
     the Federal Republic of Germany,  mally defined for the church in the
     has been appointed to a new posi‐  Apostolic Constitution entitled Mu‐
     tion as the German Ambassador to  nificentissimus Deus, which states
     the Republic of Ireland. His succes‐  that when Mary the mother of Jesus
     sor                           completed her earthly life, Mary
       � Till Knorn will take up the  was assumed body and soul into
     post at the end of August. The Con‐  heavenly glory.
     sulate General’s area of jurisdiction  You may wonder why is Mariä
     covers Bermuda, Connecticut (Fair‐  spelled with an umlaut over the “ä”
     field County), New Jersey, New  in the name, rather than Maria? It is
     York, and Pennsylvania, with an  due to the Latin genitive case of
     office in Manhattan, NY.      Maria, which is Mariae/Mariä,
       However, for those of us living  meaning “of Mary.” This honor for
     in Upstate, and specifically Western  the Assumption of Mary is only
     New York, we have the conve‐  given to the biblical Virgin Mary,
     nience, privilege, and services of  which in Latin reads as Assumptio
     having the Honorary Consul of the  Beatae Mariae Virginis, being As‐
     Federal Republic of Germany,  sumption of the Blessed Virgin
     Matthew Collard. He was inaugu‐  Mary, and in German as Mariä Auf‐
     rated to this position in 2014 and  nahme in den Himmel.
     has offices in the City of Buffalo.  � Is the Eiffel Tower German?
                                   – Well, it certainly has Germanic
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