Page 8 - GC-Jan-Feb-2025
P. 8

8 • The German Citizen • January - February 2025
     Our Trip to the Fatherland - Rheinland-Pfalz

       By Daniel Schwarz                                          hol),  and  even  a  Martinator   Yet, there was still more to see
       Editor’s note: The following is                            Zwickel – Helles Starkbier (strong  and experience on our trip.
     a continuation of a travel article by                        beer,  with  18.5%  alcohol!).    We   In  Rüdesheim  am  Rhein,  we
     Mr.  Schwarz  which  began  in  the                          didn’t let our bus driver taste any of  visited  the  Siegfrieds  Mechanis-
     November-December German Citi-                               these!                         ches Musikkabinett, claimed to be
     zen. We have repeated the introduc-                             In  Koblenz  on  the  Rhine,  our  one of the largest collections in the
     tion  to  provide  context  for  the                         ship docked near the Seilbahn (ca-  world  of  self-playing  musical  in-
     story.                                                       ble car ride) station. Naturally we  struments on display with some full
           he title of this article is liter-                     could not resist taking the fantastic  playing demonstrations.  After this
       Tally  true,  since  my  father                            16-person cable car round-trip ride  visit, we naturally needed to try one
     Berthold  Schwarz  emigrated  from                           from there to cross the Rhine to the  of the most famous coffee drinks of
     this southwestern area of Germany                            Festung Ehrenbreitstein  (fort)  on  all  of  Germany,  the  Rüdesheimer
     to  the  US  as  a  young  man  in  the                      the other side, as you can see in the  Kaffee. It is prepared at your table,
     1920s.  Our  trip  was  on  a  scenic                        photo.    From  the  cable  car  return  where the generous amount of the   Rüdesheimer coffee.
     river cruise aboard the S.S. Victo-                          ride,  we  were  able  to  get  a  bird’s  local  Ashbach  Uralt  Brandy  is
     ria, a beautiful UNIWORLD ship.                              eye view of the famous Deutsches  poured on top of a few sugar cubes  Mannheim for a bus ride for a tour
     My wife Louise and I were 2 of the                           Eck.  This  is  perhaps  the  most  fa-  in  a  special  shaped  coffee  mug,  of the spa town Baden-Baden, with
     110  passengers  and  40  crew. This   Bernkastel.           mous  sight  of  all  Germany,  a  then hot coffee added, and topped  its  famous  thermal  baths,  and  the
     9-day  cruise  was  called  “Magnifi-                        unique promontory memorial park,  with nicely formed whipped cream  Spielbank (casino). So much to see
     cent  Moselle  &  Rhine”  where  the   see  in  the  photo.  I  even  bought  a  where the Moselle River joins the  and chocolate shavings. It was fun  and  do,  yet  with  this  cruise  there
     cruise sailed from Mainz am Rhein,   souvenir  hat  pin  showing  one  of  Rhine  River.  There  sits  the  large,  to see it being made and was a very  were  always  opportunities  and
     the capital city of the German state   these  buildings  for  my  German  monumental  statue  of  Kaiser Wil-  tasty and comforting drink.   choices  to  just  sit  back  and  enjoy
     of  Rheinland-Pfalz  (Rhineland-  Trachten type of hat. The Moselle  helm I on horseback facing the tip        The remaining trip included  the  ride.  As  UNIWORLD  adver-
     Palatinate  in  English),  along  the   valley is best known for their Ries-  of this land projection, commemo-  the  historical  City  of  Speyer,  its  tises, it is a Boutique River Cruise,
     Rhine  River  and  on  the  Moselle   ling  wines,  ranging  from  Trocken  rating  the  1871  unification  of  beautiful  RC  Speyer  Cathedral  and  they  certainly  gave  us  many
     River.                        (dry)  to  süss  (sweet),  which  we  Germany.                listed  as  a  UNESCO  World  Her-  memorable  cultural  experiences
       The itinerary included stops in   tried  here  as  well  as  aboard  our                  itage Centre. Then off to Karlsruhe/  and great service.
     Cochem;  the  historic  city  of Trier   ship. Almost all the meals for this
     and  an  optional  bus  to  Luxem-  cruise  were  on  the  ship  and  were
     bourg;  with  full-day  stops  at   culinary experiences of superb va-
     Bernkastel;   Boppard/Koblenz;   riety  incorporating  local  special-
     Rüdesheim;  Speyer;  Karlsruhe/  ties, exquisite taste, artistic presen-
     Mannheim  and  bus  to  Baden-  tations,  and  exceptionally  great
     Baden. The cruise ended in Frank-  service.
     furt am Main, where our flight orig-  Another  highlight  of  the  trip
     inally  arrived  from  our  Toronto,   was reaching the City of Koblenz,
     Canada international airport, that is   on the banks of the Rhine and the
     most  convenient  for  us  from  our   Moselle. There we took an excur-
     Buffalo, NY home.             sion to the LahnSteiner brewery for
                                   beer tasting. We tried and enjoyed
           ur next stop was in beauti-  so  many  different  types  of  their
       Oful  Bernkastel,  where  we   craft beers, including: Helles Bier,
     enjoyed  a  wine-tasting  excursion.   Rauchbier  (smokey  beer,  12%  al-
     After  this  we  strolled  through  the   cohol), and perhaps one of the most
     maze  of  cobblestoned  walkways   popular  for  locals  is  their  Zwickel
     and  enjoyed  seeing  the  many   Naturtrübes  Vollbier  (unfiltered
     wood-framed buildings, as you can   full bodied natural beer, 4.9% alco-  Cable car at Koblenz.
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