Page 3 - GC-Nov-Dec-2024
P. 3
The German Citizen • November-December 2024 • 3
A mix of new and old at Buffalo German Festival
Chuck Klaes of Outback Kettle
summer, and not overwhelm that Corn was busy selling kettle corn
weekend. This way attendees could all weekend.
still get their German fix in, and en- "It's great to see everyone out
joy other Labor Day weekend here again," Klaes said of the festi-
events with friends and family. It val, which had been on a three-year
was also to help our volunteers, hiatus in 2020, 2021 and 2022 be-
who have been so generously giv- fore returning last year. "You really
ing up their Labor Day weekend for do get the best bang for your buck
years to help make the event a suc- with the vendors here."
cess." The Bavarian Nut Company
The Alphorns and Bavarian was another longtime event vendor
Folk Dancers also performed, along that returned this year. Kevin Zeis,
with the SGTV Edelweiss Schuh- member of the German American
plattler Dancers, the German Amer- Musicians band, was busy selling
ican Musicians, Bergholz German steins in the vendor tent.
Band and Polka Boyz. The Hum- "People in Buffalo really get
mel look-alike contest was also into the ethnic festivals," Zeis said.
held, as in previous years. Tradi- "You see it with the turnout at Ger-
tional German beers such as man Festival, Polish Festival, Dyn-
Warsteiner, Spaten and Oktoberfest gus Day." ONE LAST OKTOBERFEST
were featured, with new offerings Lisa Stuart, owner of Crafted By Christel Kasprzak
such as Clarksburg Cider also avail- Class, sold a variety of specialty, n October 12 over 150 family members and friends came together
able for purchase. Buffalo-themed items, including Oto honor Frank Wailand for his musical contribution to the Ger-
Keg bowling, implemented at glassware and koozies. Witamy man community. As the leader of Die Auslanders, Frank’s trio provided a
the Festival just prior to COVID, Buffalo also sold interesting arti- variety of traditional and up-tempo German and American music for over
was again a hit among families, like san-related items. 50 years.
it was in 2023. Also featured during Many families took the oppor- The Oktoberfest was held at the Francis J. Donovan Post and was or-
the weekend was a European car tunity to enjoy adult beverages ganized by Mark Kasprzak, guitarist for Die Auslanders and a friend for
show as well as face painting and while their children enjoyed the nearly 50 years. Mark wanted to honor Frank not only for his musical
craft activities for children, outdoor weather. Kevin Finsterbach contribution, but also for his military service during the Vietnam War era.
West Herr Auto Group served as of North Tonawanda smiled as his While Die Auslanders played, the dance floor had a steady flow of
an event sponsor, along with the lo- young daughter, Heidi, tried her people dancing a waltz, polka, Rheinlander and more.
cal office of the Consulate General hand at keg bowling. Frank told me recently that while stationed in Germany, he and a cou-
of Germany. Beer services were co- "It's a great day to be outside, ple buddies went to a club to hear live music. Frank was so impressed
ordinated through Briar Brothers enjoying games and having a few with the band that he thought someday he’d like to have that same type of
band in Buffalo. He certainly did just that and along the way, made many
Brewing, Hofbrauhaus Buffalo and German beers," said Finsterbach.
Flying Bison Brewing Company. Others wore Lederhosen and lifelong friendships. In 50 years, he had just three guitarists; Bob
The festival serves as the Feder- traditional German/Bavarian out- Matuzak, Chuck Stock and Mark. His two drummers were his friend of
ation of German-American Soci- fits. James Melewski of Cheek- more than 40 years, the late Bill Kuczmanski, and for the past couple
years, Rich Keigley.
eties of Buffalo & Vicinity's biggest towaga entered the costume con-
How many Oktoberfests, Spring Garden functions, Frȕhlingsfests,
fundraiser of the year. All proceeds test. weddings, etc. has Frank played? We can only begin to imagine. Thank
are directed toward the missions of "Go big or go home!" Melewski you, Frank, for the wonderful music, memories, enjoying shots of Kleiner
the not-for-profit Buffalo German said of the event. Feigling and Jagermeister with many of us and for just being you. Wir
Federation and its nine-member wȕnschen Dir alles Gute. Bis bald!
cultural organizations. Knowles
stated that the Buffalo German Fes-
tival Committee has been working
on a five-year plan that will soon be
rolled out.
Grapevine d'Vine Winery of
Lancaster produced a specially
made "Buffalo German Festival"
wine for the event, with Crystal
Beach Loganberry also being a
popular seller. Wines on site were
described as being between 7 and
13 percent alcohol per volume.
The views of columnists and letter writers do not necessarily reflect the
views of the German Citizen. Letters to the editor are welcome at or by mail:
The German Citizen, 3620 Harlem Road, Cheektowaga, NY 14215.