Page 3 - GC-July-August-24
P. 3

'Barbara's Rhubarb Bar:' German tongue twister goes global                                                            The German Citizen • July - August 2024 • 3

        By Stefan Dege             Tok — not bad for a local Berlin                                                               "It's a very special way of rap‐
 Two German come‐  comic.                                                                                      ping and I like the music and the
          dians have landed an inter‐  Making waves on Broadway                                                                sound of the words, even if I don't
    Dnational viral hit with a        How the song was able to trig‐                                                           understand [them]."
    tongue twister turned song that  ger such global hype remains — as                                                            Meanwhile,        "Barbara's
    hardly any non-German speakers  with numerous other viral hits — an                                                        Rhubarb Bar" is not the first inter‐
    understand. Hit maker Bodo Wartke  internet mystery.                                                                       national success with humorous
    told DW how surprised he was by   The clip was discovered by two                                                           German tongue-twister-like lyrics.
    the song's success.            Australian music students who                                                               In 2000, the German music pro‐
        A cabaret duo from Berlin has  likely did not understand the catchy                                                    ducer Stefan Raab came fifth at the
    gained worldwide success with a  lyrics, but who imitated the original                                                     Eurovision  Song  Contest  with
    witty rap that's gone viral on Insta‐  dance on TikTok before it was                                                       "Wadde Hadde Dudde Da" (roughly
    gram and YouTube, and is a top  shared and performed millions of                                                           translated as "What Do You Have
    trend on TikTok where users lip-  times all over the world.                                                                There").
    sync and dance to the tune.       "The two girls from Australia                                                            A mass Barbara dance-off
        The musical cabaret artist Bodo  have taken our choreography to a                                                         Wartke is expanding on other
    Wartke and his collaborator, music  whole new level," Wartke told                                                          German tongue twisters, too, that
    producer Marti Fischer, were no  DW. "And I think that has inspired                                                        he turns into short witty songs with
    strangers to social media within  many people to imitate it, including  Bodo Wartke. Photo by Tobias Möritz from Leipzig, Deutschland  the help of Fischer.
    Germany.                       the many dance influencers on Tik‐                                                             Part of the comedian's inspira‐
        But their tongue-twister rap,  Tok — right up to choreographers  from a small village who is known  and adding beats," Wartke ex‐  tion is to "musicalize" a German
    "Barbaras Rhabarberbar" (Barbara's  from Broadway, which is com‐  wide and far for her fine rhubarb  plained. "And so I used that for my  language that is more commonly
    Rhubarb   Bar),   has  broken  pletely crazy and of course a great  cake, and who opens a bar where  social media channels and — sur‐  known for its hard tones.
    global records and even knocked  honor."                      three bearded barbarians become  prise — it worked!"            As for his Barbara ditty, which
    R&B queen Beyoncé off her      The melody of the              regulars — and whose barber also  He and producer Fischer never  now has a sequel in which Barbara
    streaming throne for a time.   German language                visits and drinks beer with his pie.  expected "Barbara's Rhubarb Bar"  gets a girlfriend with whom she
        Now one half of the duo, Bodo  There are tongue twisters in ev‐  Wartke has simply continued to  to become an international hit.  starts a family, Wartke has a special
    Wartke, himself is followed by  ery language, but the rap about Bar‐  play with syllables in his lyrics —  "I thought you have to under‐  final wish for the song.
    nearly 900,000 people on Tik‐  bara's delicious rhubarb cakes drew  and not for the first time.  stand German to have fun with  "I would love to see all the Bar‐
                                   on a rich German tradition of sin‐  The artist, who performs songs  something like that. But apparently  baras from Berlin and everywhere
       American cities             gle-word tongue twisters, in this  in his stage programs that are much  many people like the sound of the  else dance along with us," he told
                                   case:    Rhabarberbarbarabarbar‐  longer than a 60 second clip, had  language and the rhymes."  DW.
         with German               barenbartbarbierbier (Rhubarb Bar‐  been thinking about what he could  Wartke says the melody and  "That could perhaps make it
                                   bara Bar Barbarians' Beard Barber                                                           into the Guinness Book of Records
              names                Beer).                         do on social media.           rhythm of the syllables, when  — the whole world dancing with us
                                                                     "And then I came up with the
    Altdorf, Wisconsin                The song inspired by the tongue  idea of expanding German tongue  rapped, can work in other lan‐  to Barbara's Rhubarb Bar — how
                                                                                                guages, the comic comparing songs
    Named after Altdorf,           twister tells the story of Barbara  twisters, rhyming the whole thing  by US rapper Eminem.  great would that be!"
    Altorf, Illinois
    Named after Altdorf,

    Altenburg, Missouri
    Named after Saxe-

    Anaheim, California
    A blend of "Ana", after the
    nearby Santa Ana River,
    and heim, a common
    Germanic place name
    compound originally
    meaning "home".[

    Anhalt, Texas
    Named after the
    Principality of Anhalt.

    Augusta, Georgia
    Named after Princess
    Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.
    Augsburg, Illinois
    Named after Augsburg,

    Austerlitz, New York
    Named after formerly
    Slavkov u Brna.

    Baden, Georgia
    Named after Baden.

    Baden, Maryland
    Named after the Baden

    Baden, Pennsylvania
    Named after the German
    town of Baden-Baden.

    Bamberg, South Carolina
    Named after William
    Seaborn Bamberg, whose
    grandfather was an
    immigrant from Germany.
     The views of columnists and letter
     writers do not necessarily reflect
     the views of the German Citizen.
     Letters to the editor are welcome
     at or
     by mail:
     The German Citizen, 3620 Harlem
      Road, Cheektowaga, NY 14215.
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