Page 4 - GC-Oktoberfest-24
P. 4
4 • The German Citizen • September-October 2024
Every Grave has a Story
by Daniel Schwarz founded in 1859 by three German of America, the Samuel Helm Unit DIER, 1861-1865, June 5, 1910.
hese stories are what Protestant churches to share as a 144, was the grave of John The G.A.R. is the acronym for
makes cemeteries impor‐ common burial ground for their McHugh. He died in Buffalo, NY at Grand Army of the Republic which
Ttant and depositories for parishioners who were some of the the age of 66, and was buried there was a patriotic veterans organiza‐
history. Each cemetery is like a earliest German immigrants to on June 5, 1910. His interesting and tion of American Civil War Union
book, with each headstone a new Buffalo. It is still an active cemetery historical story can be partially un‐ forces, where John McHugh began
chapter. One such historic cemetery for burials. derstood by reading the inscriptions his military service. Then the sec‐
in Western New York is the Concor‐ One grave at the cemetery that on his two gravestones. The original ond flat grave marker that was
dia Cemetery in the City of Buffalo, piqued the interest of the local upright headstone reads: G.A.R., placed more recently tells us more
at 438 Walden Avenue. It was Buffalo unit of the Steuben Society JOHN McHUGH, UNION SOL‐ of his story. This marker reads,
INDIAN WARS, 1844-1910, AKA
He was the recipient of the
Medal of Honor for his “Gallantry
in Action” as an army soldier in the
period of the Indian wars at Cedar
Creek, Montana Territory. The bat‐
tle on October 21, 1876, where he
demonstrated heroic actions was
part of the Great Sioux War of 1876 Medal of Honor gravesite.
and known as the Black Hills War.
This and other battles and skir‐ workers to restore, preserve and
mishes of the war were because of protect the cemetery grounds; its
settlers encroaching onto native history and its records and to lay the
American lands of the Lakota, groundwork to ensure its appropri‐
Sioux and the Cheyenne after gold ate maintenance and perpetual
had been discovered in the Black preservation. For this reason, The
Hills. Samuel Helm Unit 144 of Buffalo
He was presented this medal on took on the project to assist with the
July 18,1877 at a parade at the can‐ maintenance of this significant his‐
tonment at the Yellowstone and toric grave of John McHugh.
Tongue Rivers, Montana Territory Already last summer of 2023,
by General William T. Sherman. three Samuel Helm Officers Paul F.
During our history lessons in public Jones, Erich Reidell, and Daniel
school, we probably all heard of the Schwarz felt honored to make im‐
Battle of the Little Bighorn which provements to the grave site, with
was a part of this war. This Little funds donated by Samuel Helm offi‐
Bighorn battle was also referred to cer Wayne Mertz who has many of
as General Custer’s last stand, his German relatives buried at Con‐
where the US Army soldiers were cordia. Then recently Erich Reidell
decimated by the mounted Plains and Daniel Schwarz again refreshed
Indians. the grave with a new layer of dark
The Indians were victorious at mulch as can be seen in the photo of
least for the short term. The war and the grave site.
battles ended with treaties and per‐ The Samuel Helm Unit officers
manently establishing Indian reser‐ and members are pleased and very
vations. honored to have helped to restore
The historic Concordia Ceme‐ and enhance the grave of John
tery Foundation, Inc. a non-profit McHugh MoH recipient, that the
organization, has adopted a mission Concordia Cemetery can be proud
using all volunteer officers and to be its caretaker.