Page 7 - GC-July-August-24
P. 7

The German Citizen • July - August 2024 • 7
                                                                  Buffalo’s singing ethnic mix included

                                                                  the Swiss Mixed Chorus Helvetia

                                                                        t the beginning of June, the
                                                                        Chopin Singing Society cel‐  Opa’s
                                                                  Aebrated their quasquicenten‐
                                                                  nial. As part of the 125th anniver‐  Attic
                                                                  sary celebration a book launch party
                                                                  was held for The Frederick Chopin  by Greg
                                                                  Singing Society of Buffalo, New
                                                                  York, 1899 – 2024 a history of the  Witul
                                                                  organization I was commissioned to
                                                                  write and had been working on for
                                                                  the last four years.           E. Rosset, Swiss Consul of New
                                                                     While working on the book one
     Leica announces the continuation of                          of the big takeaways for me was  York City and Mr. Gasser who
                                                                                                 would each give opening remarks.
     compact digital cameras with the                             how interconnected the singing so‐  The evening would then see a
     upcoming launch of the Leica D-Lux 8                         cieties were across ethnic lines. A concert with the Swiss Mixed Cho‐
                                                                  Dutchman could be the conductor
                                                                                                 rus led by Carl Buehler and Swiss
                                                                  for a Jewish group, a Pole for the  Harmony of Hudson County, NJ un‐
     TEANECK, N.J. PRNewswire:                                    Germans, and Italian for the Poles.
     Leica Camera AG will launch the                              The other thing you notice is that  der the baton of Joseph A. Laufen‐
     new Leica D-Lux 8 on July 2,                                 just about every European nation in  berg. This would be followed with a
     2024. In 2003, the German pre-                               Western New York was represented.  display by the Bavarian Folk
     mium manufacturer introduced the                                Besides the big ones in the area,  Dancers of Buffalo, a selection by
     first D-Lux. Eight generations and                           the Germans, Italians, Poles, and  the Yodel Sextet of Cleveland, a set
     numerous special editions later, the                         Irish, other ethnic groups also spon‐  by the Schweizer Damenchor of NJ,
     D-Lux has solidified its position in                         sored singers, the Hungarians,  with the Swiss Folk Dance Group of
     the top-quality segment of Leica's                           Greeks, and Ukrainians each having  New York closing the night.
     digital compact cameras.                                     at least one society. One of the con‐  The afternoon of day two saw  tion of Buehler and 40 musicians of
       The new D-Lux 8 brings the                                 tinent’s smallest nations, Switzer‐  the choirs taking over the Mary  the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
     quintessential Leica experience into                         land, had an outsized influence in  Seaton Room of Kleinhans Music  led by Genhart performing for
     a more compact and accessible  Store, and through authorized deal-  the music scene of Buffalo with  Hall to compete before Dr Herman  2,000 listeners in Kleinhans main
     form. The overall user experience  ers. The U.S. retail price will be  their Swiss Mixed Chorus Helvetia,  Genhart of the Eastman School of  auditorium. The last day saw the
     and iconic design are a testament to  $1,595.                especially when this group hosted  Music, German music director  Swiss singers visiting Niagara Falls
     the excellence of the legendary Le-  Customers can register at leica-  the Swiss-American Saengerfest in  Hans Hagen, and Cleveland Hill  before taking part in a meeting and
     ica brand, recognized globally as a  to  1950.                  High School Music Department  the closing festivities at Genesee
     leader in the field.          be notified once the camera is avail-  The roots of Swiss choral  head Richard Seibold, for top hon‐  Park.
       For enhanced user comfort, the  able in store.             groups in Buffalo can be traced to  ors.                        The Swiss Mixed Chorus re‐
     controls have been simplified and  Leica Camera              the Helvetia Saenger Verein. Born  Of the categories of men,  mained strong in the years after the
     ergonomically repositioned, while  Leica Camera AG is an interna-  in the latter half of the 19th century  women and mixed, the three judges  Saengerfest but as the 1950s turned
     the user interface, inspired by the  tional, premium manufacturer of  this early Swiss singing society  chose one from Hudson County as  into the ‘60s the membership began
     popular Leica Q-Cameras, has be-  cameras and sports optics. The leg-  faded away after the passing of their  the winner of the men, and one from  to decline. The passing of Choir‐
     come even more user friendly. The  endary reputation of the Leica  music director Carl August Goehle  Toledo who won both women and  master Buehler in 1969 marked the
     D-Lux 8 features a 4/3" CMOS  brand is based on a long tradition of  in 1917. Seventeen years later Al‐  mixed.           musical end of the Swiss Mixed
     sensor offering 21 MP (effective 17  excellent quality, German crafts-  bert Luscher, organist Carl Buehler,  Day two ended with a mass cho‐  Chorus Helvetia.
     MP), the fast Leica DC Vario-Sum-  manship and German industrial de-  and a handful of other local citizens  rus of 637 singers under the direc‐
     milux  10.9–34  mm   f/1.7–2.8  sign, combined with innovative  formed the Swiss Mixed Chorus,
     ASPH. lens (35mm equivalent to  technologies.                later adding Helvetia to the name in
     24-75 mm), intuitive design and  An integral part of the brand's  honor of the preceding group.
     seamless connectivity with the Le-  culture is the diversity of activities  By the end of the 1940s, the
     ica FOTOS app. The flash included  the company undertakes for the ad-  Helvetia group was already well es‐
     with the camera further expands the  vancement of photography. In addi-  tablished within the Swiss Ameri‐
     versatility of the D-Lux 8.   tion to the Leica Galleries and Le-  can Singing Alliance having come
       In addition to the camera, a new  ica Akademies spread around the  in second in the 1939 convention.
     range of accessories will be intro-  world, there are the Leica Hall of  As part of the 1948 convention held
     duced. These include a hand grip,  Fame Award and, in particular, the  in Milwaukee it was decided that
     carrying straps, wrist straps, and  Leica  Oskar  Barnack  Award  the next convention would be in
     leather protectors available in mul-  (LOBA), which is considered one  Buffalo and that Helvetia would be
     tiple colors. Additional accessories  of the most innovative sponsorship  the hosting organization.
     such as an automatic lens cap, soft  awards existing today.     By spring of 1950 Arthur
     release buttons, and a selection of  Furthermore, Leica Camera  Gasser, president of the Helvetia
     bags, including a hip bag, cross-  AG, with its headquarters in Wet-  and convention chairman, was
     body bag, and equipment bag, ex-  zlar, Hesse, and a second produc-  putting together the final details for
     pand the camera's portfolio.  tion site in Vila Nova de Famalicão,  the event. The festivities would
       The Leica D-Lux 8 will be   Portugal, has a worldwide network  open on July 1 where Mayor Joseph
     available globally on July 2, 2024  of its own national organizations  Mruk would welcome the 21 cho‐
     at all Leica Stores, the Leica Online  and Leica Retail Stores.
                                      Please find further information  ruses, 600 singers, and 1,200 atten‐
                                     dees at a banquet held at the Hotel
                                      SOURCE Leica Camera USA     Statler. He was followed by Charles

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