Page 7 - GC-Jan-Feb-2025
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The dancer who brought                                                                                           The German Citizen • January - February 2025 • 7

     down the King of Bavaria                                     St. Michael Church’s deep German roots

                                                                     By Martin Ederer
       By Martin Ederer                                               t.  Michael  Parish  in  Down-
         he  story  of  Lola  Montez  is                              town  Buffalo  has  decided  to
         the story of an Irish lass, ad-                         Slaunch an appeal to the Vatican
    Tventures in India, men, wild                                 against  current  diocesan  plans  to
     escapades,  men,  serial  marriages,                         suppress  the  parish  and  sell  the
     men, a career in acting, men, King                           church.
     Ludwig  I  of  Bavaria,  the  Revolu-                           The parish, with a strong Ger-
     tion of 1848, men, and emigration                            man history, was established as part
     to America.                                                  of  the  story  of  St.  Louis  Parish,
       Lola  Montez  was  born  Eliza                             which  refused  to  turn  the  deed  of
     Rosanna Gilbert in 1821 in County                            their property over to diocesan lead-
     Sligo,  Ireland  into  an Anglo-Irish                        ership through the 1840s and 1850s.
     family.  Her  father  was  a  military                       Since  St.  Louis  parish  was  estab-
     man who took his young family to                             lished before any diocesan jurisdic-
     India when she was two.  He died                             tions had been solidified in the area,
     of  cholera  shortly  after  arriving                        its parishioners had to establish their
     there.  Her mother, then 19, quickly                         own legal ownership and control of
     married Lieutenant Patrick Craigie                           the property, which annoyed (Irish)
     of Scotland in 1824.  Eliza’s parents   Lola Montez photographed by An-  bishops later trying to finally impose
     decided  that  she  should  attend                           their  administrative  control.  Al-
     school in Britain, but by the time she   toine  Samuel  Adam-Salomon  ca.   though St. Louis’ original founders
     was ten, she had already proven to   1860. Source: https://www.meister-  were  French,  a  German  demo-
     be  quite  the  unruly  exhibitionist.  graphic  became  dominant  at  the
     Let’s not elaborate further.    Samuel-Adam-Salomon/148433/Lola-  parish  by  the  1840s.    That’s  the
       At age16 Eliza eloped with Lieu-  Montez,-c.1860-.html     backstory.
     tenant Thomas James in 1837.  Five                              Jesuit  activities  in  the  Great
     years  later  they  separated  in  Cal-  and  liberal  reforms,  was  the  main   Lakes region, meanwhile, dated to
     cutta. The following year, at the age   reason…this  despite  the  fact  that   French  missionary  efforts  in  the
     of  22,  she  appeared  in  London  as   she did support liberal reforms that   1600s  among  the  Haudenosaunee,
     Lola Montez, the Spanish Dancer.    had  fueled  so  many  revolts  else-  but the more immediate 19 -century
     The London public recognized her   where that year.          reason for a Jesuit presence in West-
     as James’ wife, which killed her ca-  Lola Montez fled Munich in the   ern  New  York  was  an  invitation
     reer in England.  She moved on to   hopes that Ludwig would join her.    from Bishop John Timon, Buffalo’s
     the continent.                He did not; she returned to London   first  bishop,  in  1848.  Originally
       Her stage debut in Paris flopped   and married George Trafford Heald,   based  at  SS.  Peter  and  Paul  in
     in 1844, but she did get busy meet-  an army officer with an inheritance.    Williamsville, the Jesuits got called
     ing all the right people.  She had an   The rather restrictive terms of her di-  to Buffalo because of the ongoing
     affair  with  composer  Franz  Liszt;   vorce from her first husband, how-  conflict  between  Timon  and  the   St. Michael Church, 2018.
     she also made the acquaintance of   ever, meant that she was now legally   trustees  of  St.  Louis  Church  over  Durthaller S.J. made a last effort to  tural  inspection  after  the  fire  re-
     Alexandre Dumas with whom she   a bigamist.  The couple fled to Spain   financial  and  legal  control  of  the  get the St. Louis trustees to accept the  vealed  that  the  walls  remained
     allegedly  also  slept.    Then  she   and  France.    After  this  turbulent   parish property.  ministry  of  the  Jesuits  from  St.  sound.
     moved  on  to  Jean-Baptiste  Rose-  marriage failed, she headed to the   As his relationship with St. Louis  Michael and to get the trustees to rec-  The  rebuilt  church  gained  a
     mond  de  Beauvallon,  a  famous   United  States  in  1851.  Heald   deteriorated, Timon had to consider  oncile  the  families  “loyal  to  the  modern  interior.    New  windows
     drama critic, who helped restore her   drowned a few years later.  placing  the  parish  under  interdict.   bishop” who had left St. Louis during  were ordered from the same Mu-
     career chances…until she offended   In the United States Montez per-  He invited Rev. Lucas Caveng S.J.  the interdict. He failed.  Subsequent  nich firm – F.X. Zettler – that had
     Alexandre  Dujarrier  at  a  party. A   formed as dancer and actress on the   to become pastor there after the re-  bishops after Timon were not as upset  made the first set. Surviving origi-
     duel ensued between the two men   East Coast before she went to San   maining  French  left  to  form  St.  by St. Louis’s irregular arrangements,  nal windows were salvaged for re-
     and Dujarrier was shot dead.  Francisco,  where  she  married  a   Pierre  French  Church,  taking  St.  so the issue did subside on its own.   use elsewhere.  One ended up in
       Lola  Montez  then  went  off  to   newspaperman.  This marriage also   Louis’  previous  pastor  with  them.   St. Louis Parish did not finally relin-  Micronesia.  A few small original
     Munich in 1846.  When she first met   quickly failed.        Caveng’s task was to bring St. Louis’  quish ownership of their property to  windows  remain  in  the  rebuilt
     King Ludwig I of Bavaria, she gave   Lola Montez then went to Aus-  trustees to some sort of understand-  the  diocese  until…1979.    But  St.  church, the two angel windows in
     him an eyeful after he asked her an   tralia  in  1855.    After  initial  suc-  ing with the diocese, and in this he  Michael Church was also in Buffalo  the vestibule, and a few others hid-
     impertinent question about her ap-  cesses the critics panned her for rais-  mainly failed.  He left St. Louis in  to stay and became a thriving parish.  den behind new interior walls. The
     pearance  (long  story  about  some-  ing  her  dress  too  high  and  under-  1851,  taking  19  German  families   Work  began  on  the  current  St.  most notable exterior change was
     thing that would now get him sued).    mining public morality.  Box office   with him.      Michael Church in 1864.   Designed  a  simpler,  shorter  tower.    St.
     He made her his mistress, a Bavarian   receipts dropped.  She also attacked   In  the  basement  of  St.  Pierre,  by architect Patrick Keeley of New  Michael  reopened  in  September
     subject, the Countess of Landsfeld,   the editor of a newspaper that had   Caveng  celebrated  Mass  for  his  York,  who  had  also  designed  St.  1963 and final touches were com-
     Baroness of Rosenthal and put her   published a bad review with a whip.    small  German  congregation-in-ex-  Joseph’s Cathedral, it was dedicated  pleted by 1965.
     on  the  royal  payroll.   All  of  this   She returned to the United States in   ile, which he placed under the pa-  in 1867. The original Canisius High   St.  Michael  lost  much  of  its
     made  her  controversial  and  well-  1856.    On  the  return  voyage  her   tronage  of  St.  Michael  the  School and College eventually grew  German  neighborhood  by  the
     hated.                        manager was lost after going over-  Archangel.  Caveng’s congregation  up around the new church ably staffed  1960s as downtown and other ur-
       It didn’t help, either, that she had   board.    Hmmm…   Attempts  at  a   was  to  be  temporary,  but  as  the  by  a  growing  number  of  Jesuit  ban renewal projects encroached.
     actively become the power directing   U.S. comeback failed.  trusteeship struggle wore on at St.  refugees from Otto von Bismarck’s  But it managed to transition nicely
     the throne and its policies. Her ma-  By  1857  she  was  touring  in   Louis, Timon decided to make the  Kulturkampf  in  Germany.   Among  into downtown service parish.  Be-
     nipulations got the Minister of State   Britain and America, giving lectures   small  German  congregation  more  Canisius’  early  alumni  was  Nelson  cause of its convenient confession
     dismissed.  He  had  opposed  the   on morality (!).  She spent her final   permanent—and in the process he  Baker,  a  name  that  became  well-  and Mass schedules and daily Eu-
     King’s granting her citizenship and   years  doing  rescue  work  among   created a rival parish to weaken the  known in Western New York.  charistic Adoration, St. Mike’s re-
     all her titles and perks.  She also reg-  troubled women.  Effects of syphilis   resolve  of  St.  Louis’  trustees.    St.   St. Michael Church burned after  mained a very active church until
     ularly  antagonized  the  Catholic   got the best of her in 1861. She died,   Michael Church ultimately was es-  lightning  struck  it  during  a  violent  the Jesuits gave it up in 2023.  The
     Church in Bavaria.  Then when uni-  age 39, in New York.     tablished to “break” St. Louis.  1962 thunderstorm.  By the time the  church is now staffed by priests of
     versity  students  started  protesting   Lola Montez had a wild and ul-  The  Jesuits  finally  decided  to  fire was put out, little remained but  the downtown family of parishes,
     Ludwig’s patently corrupt govern-  timately tragic life still best remem-  build a church for the new congre-  the thick stone walls.  The exquisite  which  includes  one  Jesuit  priest.
     ment, she insisted that he close the   bered for her affair with Ludwig I   gation on the Washington Street lot  interior had been destroyed.  Struc-  It  now  offers  fewer  masses  and
     university.    Ludwig  obliged.    Fi-  that made her part of the story of   the diocese offered them—land Ti-             confession opportunities.
     nally, when revolutions erupted in   Bavaria’s monarchy.  She was hon-  mon had originally bought for build-
     every major city in Europe in 1848   ored  for  her  beauty  in  Ludwig’s   ing  his  own  cathedral.    In August
     demanding liberal reforms and con-  Gallery of Beauties at Nymphenburg   1851,  the  small  congregation  laid
     stitutions, Ludwig was forced to ab-  Palace in Munich.  One must won-  the  cornerstone  for  St.  Michael
     dicate.  His affair with Lola Montez,   der if Ludwig was biased in that se-  Church, which was dedicated in Jan-
     probably  more  than  constitutions   lection.
                                                                  uary 1852.  St. Michael Church im-
                                                                  mediately  became  popular  in  the
                                                                  summer of 1852 when a cholera epi-
                                                                  demic broke out in Buffalo.  Almost
                                                                  none of St. Michael’s parishioners
                                                                  fell victim, a fact many attributed to
                                                                  the  “St.  Ignatius  Water”  available
                                                                  there.  The parish grew.
                                                                     In  1854,  the  Jesuits  conducted
                                                                  their first mission at St. Michael, a
                                                                  mission  so  successful  that  many
                                                                  neighborhood  non-Catholics  con-
                                                                  verted.  The intransigent Catholics
                                                                  of St. Louis were another story.  The
                                                                  bishop  lifted  the  interdict  on  St.
                                                                  Louis  in  1855  so  that  the  Jesuits
                                                                  could preach the mission there. At-
                                                                  tendance decreased at St. Michael.
                                                                     Although the interdict was gone
                                                                  and  St.  Louis  reopened,  factional
                                                                  strife persisted there.  Rev. Joseph
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