Page 2 - GC-July-August-24
P. 2

2 • The German Citizen • July - August 2024                  St. Louis Church becomes new
      Perspectives . . . . .                                      home for St. Ann Shrine altar
      Perspectives .
                                                                     By Martin Ederer
     The good, the bad and the real                                      t. Louis Church has accepted the St. Ann Shrine Altar,
                                                                         which the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo removed
                                                                     Sfrom St. Ann Church on Broadway shortly after it had
       by Martin Ederer            need to be overly proud…nor    won its appeal to the Vatican against the people of St. Ann in 2017.
       Recently one of my students  ashamed. I followed that up with an  Swiatek Studios assembled the altar in its new home, which
     commented that I’m always about  observation that there are things I  included a good cleaning of both the entire altar and of the St. Ann
     everything German. The comment  really do value about Germanness:  painting. Although the altar itself dates to the early 20 century,
     annoyed me. I’ll admit that I do of‐  the dependability, the efficiency, a  the painting dates to 1862. Imported from Germany, the painting
     ten explain things in history from  fundamental honesty, the serious‐  originally decorated the first brick St. Ann Church.
     my—or my family’s—own lived   ness, the ability to sweat details sys‐  The current neogothic structure begun in 1878 replaced the
     experiences. When I teach World  tematically. Then I added, however,  first church. The entire St. Ann complex is now owned by a Mus‐
     War I and World War II, I use stories  that there are things about being  lim congregation planning to convert the church into a mosque.
     from relatives on both German and  German and dealing with Germans
     Allied sides to make the events  that I always found annoying: the
     more real to students who are now  refusal to admit defeat on a view‐
     so chronologically removed from  point even after it has been obvi‐  Restored Shrine Altar of
     these events. When I teach about  ously proven wrong, the need to be
     the German barbarians, I joke about  a Besserwisser, placing efficiency
     how some of my relatives could  over humanity, the seriousness, and  St. Ann at St. Louis Church
     easily play the role of some barbar‐  maybe enjoying being honest a bit
     ian ruler.                    too much when it is an opportunity    t. Louis Parish, 780 Main  Executed by the E.
       Most of all, I tend to announce  to put someone in their place – the  Street,  downtown,  an‐  Hackner Co., of LaCrosse,
     exams and assignments with a  schimpfen and moralizing that was,  Snounced the rededication  WI, the shrine altar is carved in but‐
     heavy German accent, not the very  at least in the past, so much a part of  of the historic Shrine Altar of St.  ternut with reliefs carved in Linden  The  painting  depicts  St.
     urbane English of current Germans  German culture.           Ann, (formerly in St. Ann Church)  wood. It was installed at St. Ann  Joachim and Ann seated and their
     who have taken years of English in  I ended with the observation  with a Triduum on July 24, 25 and  Church in May 1927 and was the  daughter Mary kneeling. Below the
     school, but the English of our older  that similar pro and con lists could  26, 2024 at 7 p.m. at St. Louis  gift of the parishioners of St. Ann  mensa is a woodcarving depicting
     ancestors who had to learn English  be composed for every ethnicity,  Church, Main and Edward Streets.  Church.           the expulsion of Adam and Eve
     on the street as they got busy setting  because ethnic heritages and cul‐  On Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at  Created in the Gothic style, the  from the Garden of Eden and Mary
     up their lives in America.  That  tures are made up by people, and  7 p.m. there will be a litany with  shrine altar is harmonious with our  holding the Christ Child symboliz‐
     tends to terrorize students who  people are imperfect, emotional and  homily by Rev. Ben Fiore S.J. On  historic church and its appoint‐  ing the promise of salvation. The
     never grew up with German accents  inconsistent.  Their cultures are  Thursday, July 25 at 7 p.m. A litany  ments. The centerpiece of the altar  ancestry of Mary is depicted in
     around them, and that’s what makes  therefore an extension of all that hu‐  will be followed by a homily by  contains an oil painting, attributed  carvings on the two wings on either
     it fun. The hope is to scare them  manity, for good or for ill.  Rev. Jacek Mazur. On Friday, July  to a Munich master, brought to  side of the painting.
     straight so that they will study: You  While celebrating ethnic her‐  26 at 7 p.m. A Concelebrated Feast  Buffalo in 1862 and originally hung  Parking is available behind the
     vill study und you vill be brilliant. I  itage is wonderful, we always need  Day Mass will be held. A reception  in the original St. Ann Church on  church and includes handicapped
     do this crazy stuff not only to keep  to remain aware that we are people,  will follow.     Emslie Street.                accessibility.
     my students awake but also to keep  and that will always bring infinite
     me awake. There’s no such thing as  variations to any generalizations we  St. Albertus Magnus:
     a dead audience, but if I get boring,  might have about any group of peo‐
     I might just kill their interest. I need  ple. That’s reality too.
     to keep them on their toes.      In any event, there’s plenty to  Medieval advances toward modern science
       My somewhat agitated response  celebrate about any ethnic group.
     to the student’s observation became  As we crawl from ethnic festival to  by Martin Ederer                                friendship, love, as well as com‐
     a teachable moment about how we  ethnic festival this summer, let’s all  t is popular to dismiss the entire               mentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sen‐
     should maybe all look at all our eth‐  be cognizant that our differences  medieval period as 1000 years of                tences, Thomas Aquinas’s Summa
     nic heritages. I started by explain‐  can be appreciated and celebrated—  Iintellectual and scientific dark‐              Theologiae, and Aristotle. In fact,
     ing that I never really thought about  or be used as clubs we swing at one  ness. One figure who plays a key              Albertus is largely responsible for
     loving being German (and Aus‐  another. The choice is ours—as if  role in debunking that persistent but                   modern knowledge about Aristotle.
     trian). It is simply who I am: No  there is really any choice but the  inaccurate myth of “The Dark                          While not as dismissive of
                                   former.                        Ages” was St. Albertus Magnus.                               merely studying existing ancient
                                                                     Born a few years before 1200 in                           works on the material universe as
                 The German Citizen                               Lauingen (Swabia, currently in                               modern science was by the 17 cen‐
                                                                  Bavaria), Albertus probably came
                                                                                                                               tury, Albertus’ scientific works in‐
                Published by Buffalo Standard Printing            from a family of some means. His                             sisted on empirical experimentation
                          3620 Harlem Rd.                         formation included studies in Aris‐                          that the scientific establishment re‐
                      Cheektowaga, NY 14215                       totle at the University of Padua. By  Saint Albertus Magnus, a fresco  jected in his own time and would
                                                                                                                               not formally adopt until the 17 and
                                                                  the 1200s Aristotle was receiving
                           716-831-8013                           serious new scholarly attention in  by Tommaso da Modena (1352),  18 centuries.
                               western Europe for the first time in  Chapter Hall of convent of St.  Still, Albertus’  work  with
                         Editor - Roger Puchalski                 centuries.                     Nicholas, Treviso, Italy      alchemy and astrology would be
                     Consulting Editor - Martin Ederer               Sometime in the 1220s, Alber‐                             jarring to the modern mentality, al‐
                       For Advertising Sales call:                tus joined the Dominican Order as it  lesson here is that universities have  though his work with alchemy did
                   Michelle Kisluk or Steve Kroczynski            was just starting out. Theology  been pretty messed up from the get-  lead to his discovery of arsenic and
                                                                  studies at the University of Bologna  go:  the deadly combination of  photochemical experiments with
                                                                  followed. The order then sent him  overly egotistical professors and  silver nitrate.
           January - February               March - April         to lecture in Cologne and also in  young, over-emotional students still  Albertus’ work with astrology
            May - June                      July - August         Regensburg, Freiburg, Strasbourg  confused about life.       was in accord with Christian teach‐
            September - October    November - December            and Hildesheim. He completed a   During his tenure at Paris, Al‐  ings on the subject during his life‐
                                                                  master of theology at the University  bert wrote commentaries on almost  time. It was common among me‐
                                                                  of Paris, which was the premier  all of Aristotle’s works. He went on  dieval and Renaissance scholars to
                                                                  school of theology in Europe.  to become provincial of the Do‐  distinguish between an astrology
                                                                     Paris became the center of a new  minican order. One of his innova‐  that dictated an unchangeable future
                                                                  methodology called scholasticism,  tions during that tenure was to es‐  event (considered illicit because
                                                                  i.e.,, systematically applying reason  tablish a course of studies for Do‐  this was a “divination” that denied
                                                                  and logic to Christian doctrine. The  minicans that started with philoso‐  human free will) and the idea that
                                                                  University of Paris hired him on as  phy before formal theological stud‐  star configurations could simply in‐
                                                                  professor.                     ies. That curriculum went on to be‐  fluence things on earth.
                                                                     One of his most notable students  come a feature of Catholic seminary  According to the latter defini‐
                                                                  was a fellow Dominican from Italy,  training ever since.     tion, medieval astrologers who re‐
                                                                  St. Thomas Aquinas. In many re‐  Albert served as bishop of Re‐  jected divination (and therefore re‐
                                                                  spects, the achievements of Thomas  gensburg from 1260-1263; he also  mained Christians in good standing)
                                                                  Aquinas would have been impossi‐  laid much of the groundwork for the  argued that just as the sun was nec‐
                                                                  ble without Albertus. There is a  University of Cologne. Although  essary for our survival and the
                                                                  story that classmates ridiculed the  the University of Cologne’s formal  moon controlled tides, stars could
                                                                  quiet  and  heavy-set  Thomas  establishment date is 1388, Albert is  exercise a much weaker but still sig‐
                                                                  Aquinas as the “dumb ox of     still viewed as its founder.  nificant influence on human moods
                                                                  Aquino.”                         Perhaps the most remarkable  and  temperaments. Accordingly,
                                                                      Albertus reprimanded them,  thing  about Albertus  was  the  medieval astrologers believed that
                                                                  stating that one day the “dumb ox”  breadth of his learning and activi‐  an understanding of celestial influ‐
                                                                  would bellow so loudly that the  ties. After a huge project to collect  ences on could help humans to live
                                                                  world would never be the same.  all of Albertus’writings in one place  a better Christian existence.
                                                                  Suffice it to say that we know much  was published in 1899, the set of  Albertus Magnus died in 1280
                                                                  more about Aquinas than we do his  books that resulted topped out at 38  in Cologne, where his tomb is lo‐
                                                                  classmates.                    volumes.                      cated. He was canonized a saint in
                                                                     A second story relates that Al‐  Topics and treatises included  1931. He is also classified as a Doc‐
                                                                  bertus’ brilliance once so exasper‐  logic, theology, botany, astronomy,  tor of the Church.
                                                                  ated his class that his students  astrology, minerology (which he in‐
                                                                  rushed him and started to stab him  vented), alchemy, zoology, physiol‐
                                                                  with their quills. Perhaps the useful  ogy,  phrenology,  justice,  law,
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