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The German Citizen
The German Citizen
Vol. 13 No. 1 January-February 2025
Wailand presented German Cultural Award
By Amber Healy
urrounded by family and
friends, and serenaded by mu-
Ssicians who looked up to his
own longevity and dedication to
German music, Frank Wailand
grinned widely and accepted his
award. Wailand, described as a “ded-
icated advocate of German culture
and traditions,” was honored with
the 2024 German Cultural Award,
bestowed to him by Hofbrauhaus
Buffalo in November.
For more than 70 years, he was
known in the community as an avid
participant in German culture, both
as a traditional dancer and as a mu-
sician, including spending more than
40 years as part of a band that
blended traditional German music
with more modern sounds. The Aus-
landers, as they were called, only
last summer announced their retire-
“Frank is so well known in the
German community and he’s done
so many things,” said Ed Arnold, a
partner and board member at Hof-
brauhaus Buffalo. “He was instru- WEIHNACHTSMESSE: The German Christmas Mass was celebrated at
mental in helping us design this St. Louis Church in Buffalo Dec. 1, 2024. More than 400 people at-
building, making it look nice and
German and authentic. He’s so well tended with music performed by members of the German American
known on the music side and from Musicians Assn.. See additional photos on page 4. Photos by Peter
his years with the Schuhplattler. He’s Sloane
still very active with the dancers. He FAMILY AND FRIENDS (top
brings them into our events and ties photo) came together to honor
together all the German cultural Frank Wailand at the
groups.” Ho�rauhaus in Buffalo. Also
Wailand, who celebrated with his pictured are Wailand with Ed
wife of nearly 50 years, Maureen by Arnold and Wailand with his wife,
his side along with their three daugh- Maureen. Photos by Amber Healy.
ters and grandchildren, is one of
those people that “everybody just elaborately embroidered dresses and
thinks the world of him,” Arnold braids in their hair. The whole family
said. led the procession through Hauf-
Wailand was the first recipient of brauhaus, carrying flags and singing.
the award, which Arnold and the rest “We’re very happy and proud to
of the Hofbrauhaus leadership intend be his daughters and to be here,”
to be an annual event honoring Williams said.
someone of German heritage in “It’s a special honor and we’re
Buffalo and across Western New so grateful to be part of it,” said
York who has helped promote and Hereth.
celebrate German culture and tradi- Wailand’s family took up three
tions. “I talked to the honorary Ger- long tables of guests during the cel-
man consulate and he and I put some- ebration, in which he received letters
thing together. We reached out to of congratulations from both the
other German groups here and they German Embassy in Washington,
were in support, but they will be DC, and the German Consulate in
more involved next year. Frank New York; the German Consulate THE TOUR GROUP FROM Brüssow visited Niagara Falls (above) and New Bergholz in Niagara County re-
would’ve been the unanimous choice also sent along a special coin com-
regardless. Everybody knows him. memorating the Berlin Airlift and cently. A German publication wrote about and shared their impressions of the trip. See story on page 3.
Everybody loves him.” America’s participation in that event Photo courtesy of Pastor Matthias Gienke.
“Frank is the grand poobah of (Wailand did not participate in that
German culture in Buffalo,” added but the consulate wanted to honor his
Diana Trent, director of marketing contributions as an example of
and events at Hofbrauhaus. Americans helping Germans). Wai-
For Wailand’s daughters, Megan land also received two pens used by
Williams, Kim Hereth and Karen the Embassy to sign important doc-
Wailand Conrad, seeing their father uments and proclamations.
in a traditional German vest and Hofbrauhaus also gave Wailand
lederhosen, hearing the music they a special engraved stein and a mem-
grew up with and stories of how bership to their Stein Club while also
greatly appreciated he is for keeping tapping a limited edition of one of
his culture alive, it was a full circle their house-brewed beers. Hops und
moment. Schnapps, a local German music
“It’s something we grew up band, gave Wailand a custom-made
with,” Hereth said. “It feels really ap- bobble head of himself playing ac-
propriate for it to culminate with the cordion, a nod to his years with the
music we heard growing up.” Auslanders.
“We wouldn’t miss this for any-
thing,” added Williams.
They grew up participating
in traditional German dance
groups as well, literally fol-
lowing in their father’s foot-
steps with the Schuhplattler VISITORS TO THE CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD display at St. Stanislaus Social Hall in Buffalo spon-
dance group with SGTV sored by the General Pulaski Association were treated on Dec.14, 2024 to music and song from the German
Edelweiss. For this event, American Musicians Association. The entertainment was complimented by delicious homemade soup and
they were decked out in
bratwurst sandwiches. Photo by Christine Palczewski