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The German Citizen
             The German Citizen

                                                   AUSTRIA • GERMANY • LIECHTENSTEIN • SWITZERLAND

      Vol. 12 No. 4                                                                                                          July-August 2024 Issue

     A new connection to ancestral                                40 Anniversary of the Buffalo German Fest coming
     villages in Uckermark area                                   to Cheektowaga Town Park Labor Day weekend

                                                                       Annual German Fest
                                                                      celebration kicks off
                                                                           the start of
                                                                     Oktoberfest season!
                                                                       he German-American Musi‐
                                                                       cians – Buffalo’s BIG Ger‐
                                                                  Tman Band, bring their high
                                                                  energy  and  authentic  German
                                                                  Blaskapelle to Cheektowaga Town
                                                                  Park the Friday of Labor Day week‐
                                                                  end to start the festivities. Gates
                                                                  open at 5:30 p.m., with music from
                                                                  6 to 10 p.m. that evening.
                                                                     “This year’s Buffalo German
                                                                  Fest is a significant one for us since
                                                                  we are celebrating our 40 anniver‐
                                                                  sary,”  said  Melanie  Knowles,
                                                                  spokeswoman for the Buffalo Ger‐
                                                                  man Fest. “We pride ourselves in
                                                                  offering an authentic biergarten fes‐
     A church in Bergholz Uckermark.                              tival, which is family friendly and
                                                                  educational. It’s important to keep
       By Elaine Timm              years, and now wants to do a new  the culture and ‘gemütlichkeit’
         he Uckermark area of Ger‐  display. She is asking for photos of  alive!”
         many is northeast of Berlin,  the emigrants who left there in  Gemütlichkeit is a term that the
    Tstraddling the states of Meck‐  1843.                        Germans use to simply mean being
     lenburg - Vorpommern and Bran‐   They are going to be tough to  in the right place, at the right time,
     denburg. Immigrants to the Town of  find, as photography was not com‐  doing the right things, with the right
     Wheatfield in  Niagara County,  mon in the rural areas, and expen‐  people. That perfectly describes the
     came from the villages in the Uck‐  sive. But, we have found a few of  goal of The Federation of German-
     ermark, starting in 1843. A friend  elderly people in some photos. Un‐  American Societies of Buffalo &  the beer tent to quench your thirst,  sponsors, vendors, and volunteers
     and I visited the Uckermark this  fortunately, the photos are usually  Vicinity says Knowles.  peruse the vendors in the Market‐  to make this year’s Buffalo German
     past May, and also Hamburg and  not labeled, so we have to do a little  “This  event  originated  in  plazt area specializing in German  Fest the most memorable yet.
     Lübeck. An exhausting but wonder‐  investigating. The type of photo  Schiller Park back in 1982, and  steins, merchandise, and other de‐  “I encourage anyone who is in‐
     ful trip!                     (tintype, card de viste, etc.) can give  moved to Cheektowaga Town Park  lectable treats.   terested in having a good time and
       In Bergholz, Meck-Pomm we   a clue, as can the style of clothes  in 1994, where it has been held ever  Attendees can also participate in  learn about German culture to at‐
     visted the museum and saw many  they are wearing, and their esti‐  since” Melanie stated. “Back then,  the free keg tapping ceremony or  tend,” said Melanie. “It’s always
     artifacts that are similar to the ones  mated age.           the German cultural organizations  one of the many contests planned  fun to see some of the festival atten‐
     we have at Das Haus, here in     If anyone has a photo of likely  were flourishing. Unfortunately,  throughout the weekend, such as the  dees dressed in their proper dirndls
     Bergholz in Wheatfield. There were  early settlers of Wheatfield, please  over the years, many of the German  ever-popular stein hoist competi‐  or bundhosen, enjoying the festival
     also pictures on their wall of people  contact me directly  at etimm01  clubs in the area have folded. Be‐  tion, the adorable Hummel look-  and  singing  ‘ein  prosit  der
     with the same family names that                   sides the festival being the Federa‐  alike contest, or stomach-challeng‐  gemütlichkeits’ at the top of their
     still exist in Niagara County.                               tion’s biggest fundraiser of the year  ing  sauerkraut  eating  contest.  lungs! Even the youngest members
       Frau Kerstin Werth has been                                for these member organizations, it  Knowles says to bring the kids too,  of the audience get into it, and it’s
     taking care of the museum for many
                                                                  is also a recruitment tool.”   as there will be a kinder area.  quite an adorable sight!”
                                                                     The festivities continue Satur‐  Are you a car or motorcycle en‐  For more information visit the
                                                An unidentified   day, Aug. 31 from noon to 9 p.m.  thusiast? The Buffalo German Fest  website at www.BuffaloGerman.
                                                'four generations'  with music provided by The Polka  is partnering with the BMW Car  com, or the Facebook page www
                                                                  Boyz from 1 to 4 p.m. and The  Club to bring a European car and,
                                                                  Bergholz German Band from 5 to 9  motorcycle show from noon until 4  or  e-mail  BuffaloGermanFest‐
                                                                  p.m. There will also be Bavarian  p.m. on Saturday.
                                                                  dance performances provided by   Admission tickets can be pur‐  The Federation of German-
                                                                  the SGTV Edelweiss Schuhplattler  chased at the door for $5, with chil‐  American Societies of Buffalo &
                                                                  Dancers throughout the day.    dren 12 and under free. Presale tick‐  Vicinity, Inc. is a not-for-profit cul‐
                                                                     Festival-goers will be able to try  ets will be available online soon,  tural organization whose purpose is
                                                                  a variety of German delicacies or  where you can take advantage of  to further the common goals and in‐
                                                                  enjoy a fun twist on familiar dishes.  their festival special.  terests of its members in regard to
                                                                  Patrons are reminded to bring their  Anyone interested in placing an  preservation and perpetuation of
                                                                  steins so they can properly sample  ad or patron in the special edition  German customs, traditions, song,
                                                                  and toast the refreshing German  program  book  should  contact  sports, language and establish mu‐
                                                                  beers being offered. Don’t have a  tual fellowship.
                                                                  stein, not a problem. Before visiting  Organizers are still looking for

                                                                  Attica German Fest set for August 24

                                                                     By Wendy Schreiner          sure to to get toes tapping and hands  hotdogs. There’s usually a 50/50
                                                                         aybe you’re German and  clapping. Maybe you’ll even hit the  raffle to take a chance on!
                                                                         you look forward to at‐  dance floor to a tune or two with  For those with a sweet tooth,
                                                                  Mtending the Attica Lion’s     cool numbers like “Mack the   the mouth-watering black forest
                                                                  Club Annual German Festival every  Knife” and “Pennsylvania Polka”  cake or an apple dumpling come
                                                                  year. Perhaps, you’ve never gone.  that are sure to get you “In the  highly recommended. Can’t decide,
                                                                  Possibly you’ve never even heard  Mood” as the band plays melodies  why not try both? Other delicious
                                                                  of it or known that the event ex‐  on the tuba, bass, trumpet, wood‐  desserts are also available for sale.
                                                                  isted!                         winds, percussion and keyboard.  The gates usually open at 3:30
                                                                     Well, this summer the Lion’s  The event provides fun for the  p.m. with the event taking place
                                                                  Club will be celebrating its 13th  whole family with kid-friendly ac‐  from 4 - 9 p.m. You can check out
                                                                  year of the “Wundervoll” fun festi‐  tivities and games. Previous events  the Attica Lion’s Club Facebook
                                                                  val Saturday, Aug. 24 where every‐  even had a bounce house for young  page for more information.
                                                                  one has a chance to be German for  ones to expel their energy in. Adults  I think that The Attica German
                                                                  the day as they head on over to the  can enjoy both German and domes‐  Festival is just “wunderbar.” Mark
                                                                  Memorial Park on Exchange Street  tic beer. Pop is also available.  your calendars for August 24 and
                                                                  in Attica, NY.                   German cuisine featuring brat-  take part in the “German” festivities
                                                                     At the festival, one will discover  wurst, knockwurst, potato pancakes  of the day that are “fantastisch” and
                                                                  lively entertaining German music  and sauerkraut is available for pur‐  enjoy foods that are “hervorra‐
      Do you have a photo to fill the wall for the new display in Germany?  by the Genesee Valley Band that’s  chase as well as hamburgers and  gend.”
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